Happy Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother’s out there. I hope you’re having an awesome day celebrating how important you are! Without women willing to take the risks and put in the time and energy to raise children, we wouldn’t have the friends and family with us we enjoy each and every day.

There are two categories of Mom that deserve a special mention. To Moms who aren’t off today because they have to work, their child has medical needs that never take a day off, or they’re just plain overwhelmed, I see you. I’m thankful for the work you put in each and every day. Your kids may not be old enough to thank you yet. They’ll get there. I hope your spouse, significant other, or another family member has a chance to give you the love and attention you deserve today. Even if they don’t, you’re still amazing and wonderful.

To the Moms with a child that’s earned their wings, they’re looking down on you today wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day from above. Grief is a perplexing thing. You may feel a hundred different ways today, more if the loss is recent. I’m wishing you a special Happy Mother’s Day. You’ve been through something no one can possibly understand without experiencing it themselves.

Enjoy yourselves! Eat all the food, get lots of presents, and don’t do an ounce of work more than absolutely necessary. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

Be Careful with Your Fireworks

Be Careful with Your Fireworks

Besides the typical, “don’t blow your hand up,” advice there’s something else you might not have considered. Please be understanding with people who have combat PTSD, autism, sensory processing disorder (SPD), and other related conditions. How? The best way is to set your fireworks off in an area that’s not residential. If that’s not possible and someone asks you to stop setting them off, please stop.

What’s the big deal? It’s a little different for each condition. Combat PTSD triggers memories of the battlefield. The explosions and screaming, even if they’re because the people involved are having fun, are enough to trigger the memories of combat to overtake a veteran. Once the memories become active the person is no longer in the present and may not be able to come out and ask nicely for you to please set them off somewhere else. Not all veterans have PTSD but it would be most kind this Monday to assume they do unless told otherwise.

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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up. The normal hustle and bustle already started. Everyone’s clamoring to find the best gift. What the Mom in your life really needs isn’t more things (unless she’s asked for them of course, then please buy them for her)! She’ll appreciate the thought of these so much more.

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