Hitting a Rough Patch

Hitting a Rough Patch

I was keeping up with everything. The laundry was washed, blog posts were getting written, and the house was clean. Looking at my blog, you might think I vanished into thin air. Those who followed me regularly were left scratching their heads, “what happened in June 2017?” I never forgot about the blog, or all of my readers. In fact, I missed you dearly. It’s time to share what brought me to a place I couldn’t post for a year.

Our son was doing well. All of his medical appointments were three to six month follow ups and keeping up with the house just wasn’t a challenge any longer. We found a daycare about ten minutes away willing to take a child with a feeding tube for four hours three times a week. They reassured us they were comfortable running his tube feeds, they had done it before for other children, and that they were able to give him the attention he needed. We had a plan and it was as solid as such a plan could be. With that, I took a part time job close to home. The arrangement was I would be in the office while my son was in daycare and work from home for the rest. I couldn’t have asked for a more flexible work arrangement.

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Quitting My Job and Starting New

Quitting My Job and Starting New

I took a huge leap last week and put in my two weeks notice. My supervisor and I had both been putting off the decision hoping my son’s health would improve and I would be able to return to work. The kid has made tremendous progress but still falls short of where he would need to be to be placed in a childcare center with other kids his age.

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Keeping my job would have been my primary goal prior to having our son. Having a child didn’t change that significantly but there’s more to it than that. Now I have a child that REALLY needs me. It’s not a change of heart as much as it’s a change of circumstance. I didn’t know my son would have low muscle tone, a feeding tube, and feeding difficulties when we decided to have him. Now that I know, it simply doesn’t make sense to leave him unless there are no other alternatives.

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Divorce Information

This is more than slightly off topic, but recently a lot of women in my support groups have talked about either divorcing their spouse or their spouse asking for a divorce. The ones whose spouse request a divorce are taken completely off guard and are especially distressed. I’m going to create a page about this when I have a moment, but in the meantime I found a great resource that includes information about divorce in all 50 states. It has lawyers you could potentially contact, but does not push you into doing so. If you would prefer to do the research on your own they provide all the information you need.

I hope it helps. When I finish with the page it’ll be more comprehensive. It makes me more than a little sad to think about everyone going through this major life event having no idea where to begin.


Update: The page is up! It didn’t take as long as I thought.