4 Spring-Inspired Stress Relievers for Caregivers

This is a sponsored post for Vive Health. I have been compensated for sharing it with you. All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.

Don’t worry, this post isn’t an ambiguous guide to caregiver stress relief with vague tips like “Try not to stress so much.” Caregivers know that fighting stress and anxiety is key to maintaining mental and physical health – so you can stay in tip-top shape to take care of your loved one. It’s easier said than done, however. Get inspired with these 4 real-world, practical ideas that can truly get your spring off to a bright and stress-free start:

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Struggling with Weight on a Busy Schedule

Struggling with Weight on a Busy Schedule

Managing my weight has always been a monumental task for me. When I get busy I forget to eat, and then when I finally get hungry enough to stop and take a bite suddenly I’m eating an entire day’s worth of calories. Some people will try and tell you it’s just a number. As long as you don’t exceed the calories you can have and lose weight it doesn’t matter how much you eat at a sitting or how many times you eat a day. In my experience, this isn’t true.

My muscles ache like crazy if I only eat one meal a day. I feel significantly more tired than I should. I need more sleep than otherwise and I tend to overdo my required calorie intake once food finally is in front of me because I feel famished by then. Moderation is good in theory but if you’re not eating multiple meals a day you end up eating significantly less calories than you need. When you short yourself too much you don’t lose weight either based on my experience.

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Unpredictable Digestive Hiccups

It’s always so unpredictable what’s going to set our son’s digestive system off. You would think since he eats the same thing every day for most of his calories that he would be relatively consistent. You would be wrong, unfortunately. No matter how consistent we keep the external factors he has his own ways of surprising us.

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Three Ways to Lift Your Spirits

This Thanksgiving was hard on so many. A lot of the people I know had a wonderful thanksgiving. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. However, not everyone was so fortunate. Some of my fellow Moms spent Thanksgiving in the hospital away from their other children and their families. Others were left out because someone assumed they didn’t want to do something because of their child’s medical history. Still more were pulled into drama-filled situations for which they didn’t have the emotional strength to spare.

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A Scary Turning Point

A Scary Turning Point

We’ve been through a lot with our son. He’s been admitted to the hospital a few times. We’ve been in and out of the ER to run tests only a hospital can run on short notice. So far we’ve come through with news that’s left plenty of room for hope. I’m terrified tomorrow’s going to be different. Now that we have a diagnosis, even though it’s a rare one, there are still going to be expected outcomes depending on how other children with the same diagnosis have developed.

These expected outcomes could all be wonderful. There are certainly other children with the SHOC2 gene mutation which have had feeding tubes when they’re young and have come off of them as they’ve gotten older (you can find Facebook support groups even for very rare diagnosis). There is a lot of room for concern, however. One of the main sources of concern for any of the Noonan Syndrome or Noonan Syndrome-Like disorders is problems with the heart. We thought his heart was just fine, but he’ll have to be followed by cardiology to make sure that doesn’t change.

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Recovering from Crisis Mode

Recovering from Crisis Mode

We made it! Dad has recovered enough from surgery to lift the toddler. The toddler has recovered enough from his cold to only need medicine overnight. I actually got a chance to take the REAL cold medicine last night. You know, the kind that not only cures all your cold symptoms but also knocks you out. Even if the symptoms were to somehow to break through, you still sleep like the dead.

The laundry and dishes were done over the last week and a half, but everything else took a backseat. You can actually see the path our toddler takes from one place to another. It looks like a little tornado meandered through our house on multiple occasions. Am I going to clean it up today? Maybe, but probably not. Today is the day for a victory lap! It’s time to celebrate making it through this most recent family challenge. I’m going to have coffee with a friend for at least an hour or two while Dad cuddles the little man.

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This last week has been difficult. If you follow my Twitter feed you’ve probably seen me mention, the toddler and I both came down with a nasty cold. Dad’s surgery has left him unable to lift more than 10-15 lbs, which means almost everything but the toddler.

So, the two of us have been having our own little mini-party while Dad does his best to help me without being able to lift the poor fella and tries to avoid getting sick at the same time. So far he’s been successful.

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Why I’m Thankful My Toddler Screams

Why I’m Thankful My Toddler Screams

My favorite toddler in the whole wide world has decided for the last several days that screaming at me is the key to his happiness. He screams at me when he’s happy, sad, upset, angry, etc. It’s like he’s just discovered that he can speak in whatever volume he wants and the dial got stuck at MAX. Come to think of it, that’s probably exactly what happened. There isn’t enough caffeine or headache medicine in the house to help my headache right now.

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Life Goes On

Life Goes On

As some of you have already noticed, I’ve been publishing a little less frequently this past week or two. This will probably continue through early October because, well, life happens. Our son is continuing to do well. We have a lot of doctors appointments in October, but nothing we can’t handle. Unfortunately, our son’s need for additional attention and care doesn’t preclude other things from happening.

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Three Signs You Need to Fire Your Child’s Home Nursing Agency

Great tips for those who are frequently battling with their home nurse.

Madvocator Educational and Healthcare Advocacy Training

For those of us whose children require in-home nursing, agencies are often the first resource suggested to us by hospital personnel and discharge nurses. Because they have access to multiple nurses, agencies can often respond to the need for care quickly. Many hospitals suggest that families use agencies instead of independent nurses because they assume that the quality of care is managed more closely in agency settings.

By contrast, most families who use home nursing have found that agency nurses are often less invested in the care of their patients, as they can simply quit and find another agency with little consequence. The way many agencies are managed contributes to the poor quality of care some families receive from agencies, since the nurses are bounced from one case to the next when families are dissatisfied with the care their child is receiving. We had this experience recently with an agency…

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